Resident Handbook Summary

Top 10 Things to Know
Top 10 topics listed at the bottom of this page are a table of contents excerpt from our Resident Handbook (go to this page to access the entire Handbook). 
Our Welcome Committee strives to make a brief scheduled visit with all new residents (tenants and homeowners) and provide to them a Resident Handbook, City Guide book and a gift.  If you are new or know of a resident new to Kings Crossing who has not been contacted, please fill out the website Newcomer Form.
1. HOA Management. Our management company contact information is located here.
2.  The US Post Office which services Kings Crossing:
  • Address: 1345 Crescent Dr, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (via Airline past SPID to McCardle)
  • Phone: (361) 991-4860
  • Hours: Weekdays 8:00 am – 5:30 pm, Saturday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm and Sunday Closed
We have group mailboxes throughout Kings Crossing.  If you are not aware of your postal box location, call the USPS phone number above with your address and they will provide your box number. Some homeowners leave their USPS mail box keys for new homeowners when they sell their homes. If needed, USPS will replace mail box keys upon request.
3. HOA Website. You are viewing this on our Kings Crossing HOA interactive website. We strongly encourage all residents of Kings Crossing (homeowners, homeowner spouses, tenants, and tenant spouses) to register their contact information on this site which only takes a couple of minutes. Among other things, we use this site for homeowners to vote on HOA matters. We are interested in input from all of our residents (including tenants) on various topics, and encourage all residents to participate in our HOA surveys.  This site is maintained by the Master HOA webmaster along with many homeowner volunteers under the oversight of the Master HOA Communications Committee. The website allows us to remain independent of our HOA management company. The site is updated frequently and contains HOA calendars, news and alerts, local events, and Kings Crossing resident information, all available through a few simple mouse clicks.
4.  Security. Kings Crossing contracts with Signal 88 Security of Corpus Christi for our security services. If you have a security concern, complete the website security form. For emergency issues, call 911. For non-emergency issues call 361-886-2600. Please do NOT call the HOA office because management office personnel are not qualified or equipped to handle civil or medical emergencies.
5.  Communications and Meetings.  Homeowners are encouraged to attend all open HOA meetings
  • The Master HOA Board President occasionally sends out Email blasts to all residents about official topics relevant to the HOA.
  • The Master HOA Communications committee sends out email blasts to residents on important matters.
  • Master HOA General Homeowners annual meetings are held in February. A meeting notice is mailed via USPS to all homeowners prior to the meeting.
  • The Master HOA Board of Directors usually meets on the third Tuesday of each month. Agendas are posted to the website prior to each meeting. The Master HOA board presides over both the Garden Court HOA and Domain HOA boards, each of which meet separately. An informal joint session of these three HOA boards convenes as needed.
6.  Architecture Control Review Process and other Documents.  
  • Before you begin ANY construction on your property, contact the Architecture Committee (AC). Permission to construct must be submitted to and approved by the AC prior to start of project (click here for AC request form).
  • All of the pertinent Master HOA documents are accessible on the website. You will find them under Documents in the website top level menus. Provision of a full set of Deed Restrictions to new residents by the Title Company is required at closing. A Summary of Deed Restrictions is included in the Residents Handbook given out at all newcomer visits. A copy of the Residents Handbook can be viewed here. Also find a copy of the Residents Handbook under the website AC Review menu. 
7.  HOA Dues.  Invoices are mailed in December by our management company to all Kings Crossing residents. Dues are payable every year on January 1st and due NLT March 31. It is the norm for homeowners to have paid the balance of current year dues at escrow during the closing process, but check your status with our management company to be certain. Our management company applies a late fee of $20.00/month effective March 31. Additionally, a delinquent interest charge is applied monthly for accounts that are in arrears. You may pay online at the management company's user portal, or by mail. Payment by phone is not available. Send an email to for verification of your current mailing address and phone number. You may also use the preceding email address to request a new user portal account for resident online payments.
Our HOA website does not accept or process dues payments. 
8.  Kings Crossing HOA and non-HOA Properties.  Kings Crossing HOA is comprised of 1,355 lots of which currently 6 are vacant, buildable lots, and several common area spaces. 
There are two private properties and one public park within the Kings Crossing community. As such, these properties are not associated with or under the control of the HOA.
  • The 235 acres that comprise the former golf course and razed Clubhouse grounds are private property. When residents walk on the course cart paths, they do so knowing that this is private land. Per city code, dumping debris of any kind is unauthorized on private property.
  • The vacant property attached to the Kings Crossing Church of Christ on the corner of Loire and Strasbourg is part of the church grounds.
  • Saint Denis Park located along Saint Denis Dr. is a public park maintained by the city.
9.  Safety.
  • The speed limit in Kings Crossing is 30 mph. However, a 15 mph school zone is located along Strasbourg as it nears Grenoble and runs the full length of Grenoble. Check posted signs in this area for times.
  • Coyotes, bobcats, and poisonous snakes (Rattlesnake, Coral and Water Moccasin) exist in and around our community. Some guidelines:
  • Walk your dog on a short leash, at your side, not behind you, at all times. If you encounter a coyote, pick up the dog or keep it close to you and walk away.
  • Don’t walk near bushy vegetation, particularly at dusk and dawn, and avoid walking near abandoned or neglected properties.
  • Carry a flashlight, air horn, or bear or pepper spray when walking. If caught unprepared, shout and throw small objects.
  • Report sightings to local animal control, especially if the animal isn’t easily intimidated by loud noise or bright light or if you see the animal during daylight hours.
  • To ensure that wild animals do not become your permanent neighbors:
Do not leave trash bins on the street or set food out.
Secure lids on trash and recycling bins.
Pick fruit as soon as it’s ripe, and pick up and discard fallen fruit daily.
Avoid bird feeders. The aroma attracts scavengers even though they can’t reach the nuts and seeds.
Don’t put meat scraps in compost heaps.
  • Don’t leave cats and dogs outside unattended, especially at night.
  • Be wary of snakes when walking in tall grass or in normally undisturbed areas where snakes may be sunning.
The current Residents Handbook Table of Contents is provided below:


Resident Handbook

Table of Contents


From your Kings Crossing Homeowners Association (HOA)                                      Page

1.    Welcome Letter from the Master Board President                                  1
2.    New Resident Top-11 Things to Know                                                        2-5
3.    Summary of Deed Restrictions                                                                    6-7
       (The full CC&Rs & Bylaws Documents can be found on our website.)
4.    Neighborhood Social Clubs                                                                          8
5.    Neighborhood Gardens & Yard-of-the-Month                                          9


From the City of Corpus Christi 

1.    Office of Emergency Management
        a.  Hurricane Preparedness                                                                         10
        b.  Evacuation Routes                                                                                   11
        c.  What You Can Do to Prepare for Hurricane Season                           12-13
 2.    Solid Waste Services Schedules
         a. Garbage Collection & Recycling                                                             14
                   b.  Bulky items & Heavy Brush Pick-up                                                      15
  3.    Animal Care Services                                                                                    16

Sponsors Pages                                                                                                             17-18